Al-Mutanabbi (915-965), Arab poet Firdowsi (940–1020), Persian epic poet of the Shahnama Solomon ibn Gabirol (c. 1022-1058), Andalusian Jewish poet Moses ibn Ezra (c. 1060-1139), Andalusian Jewish poet Judah Halevi (c. 1075-1141), Andalusian Jewish poet Milarepa (1052-1135), Tibetan Buddhist poet Baba Tâhir (11th century), Persian Sufi poet Omar Khayyam (1048-1131), Persian poet scientist, composer of the Rubâ’iyât Khawja Abdullah Ansâri (1006-1088), Persian Sufi master Nizâmi Ganjavi (1141-1209), Persian poet Anvari (12th century), Persian poet Sanâ’ii (death 1131), Persian Sufi poet Fariduddin Attâr (death 1220), Persian Sufi poet St. Francis of Assisi (1181-1226), Italian, Christian mystic Ibn Arabi (1165-1240), Andalusian/Arabic Sufi master and poet Jalâluddin Rumi Balkhi (1207-1273), Persian Sufi master and poet Saadi (1209?-1292), Persian poet from Shiraz Fakhruddin Iraqi (1213-1289), Persian Sufi poet Dōgen Zenji (1200-1253), Japanese Zen master and poet Jayadeva (13th century), Indian Sanskrit poet, author of Gita Gobinda Yunus Emre (1238-1320), Ottoman Turkish Sufi poet Alighieri Dante (c. 1265-1321) Italian poet Meister Eckhart (c.1260 – c.1327), German Christian mystic Amir Khusrow Dehlawi (1253-1325), Indian Sufi poet (Persian) Mahmud Shabistari (1288-1340), Persian Sufi poet, composer of The Garden of Secrets Hafiz (death 1390), Persian mystic poet from Shiraz Lalla (Lalleshwari, 1320-1392), Indian Kashmiri/Hindu poetess Saint Catherine of Siena (1347 – 1380), Italian Christian mystic Geoffrey Chaucer (c. 1343-1400), English poet Ikkyu Sojun (1394-1481), Japanese Zen master and poet Sōgi (1421-1502), Japanese Zen poet Jâmi (1414-1492), Persian Sufi poet |
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